National Theater Project Creation & Touring Grant Accepting Applications

Irma Alvarez-Ccoscco in Llontop | photo by Thomas Kavanagh

Leilani is a light-skinned woman, who wears a floral headband that holds back her long dark hair, thick framed dark glasses, and a floral shirt. She smiles and sticks her tongue out ever so slightly.
Program Manager, Theater

The Theater team at NEFA is pleased to announce the 2023 application for the National Theater Project's Creation and Touring Grant is now open! This is the first time in its more than 10-year history that the Creation and Touring Grant cycle will begin in the summer, an intentional shift that came about as part of a broader year of reflection, evaluation, and assessment. Read more about this process and the new NTP Creation and Touring timeline in this previous blog post.

In addition to the timeline, there are a few key changes to the Creation and Touring application for this round:

  • We have updated, altered, or refined the majority of the Creation and Touring application questions
  • We have also made clarifications to the Eligibility section
  • To our definitions of “devised” and “ensemble,” we have added a formal definition of “Tour/Touring” for the purposes of the application. You can find these definitions in our Funding Criteria Section
    • To reflect the ever-shifting theater landscape, this definition is inclusive of digital and hybrid sharing, as well as traditional in person presentations

Before  the NTP team strongly encourages all prospective applicants to:

The NTP team has also opened up office hours on a first come, first served basis for folks who continue to have specific questions after having reviewed the above resources. Please stay tuned for announcements about updates to our team of Advisors, announcements about our next Regional Convening, and diving into our 10-year program evaluation conducted by McNeil Enterprises.

We look forward to engaging with artists across the field and throughout the country during this grant cycle, and cannot wait to learn more about your projects!

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