Norwich, VT
Project Title
Upper Valley Refugee and Asylum Support Organizations sponsor "Sandglass Theater Presents: Babylon, Journeys of Refugees"
Fiscal Year Awarded
Grant or Program
National Theater Project Presentation Grant
Grant Amount

SHARe, a refugee and asylum support organization, sponsored SGT’s film of their performance of Babylon, Journeys of Refugees, to promote an understanding and an emotional, empathetic connection to the arduous and often futile journey to safety that refugees embark upon. The activities include a film and discussion before the Global Scholars Seminar at Kimball Union Academy, a private secondary school in Meriden, New Hampshire; film and discussion with recent SHARe volunteers and other community members at the Church of Christ in Hanover, New Hampshire; the Refugee Journey Workshop/Board Game at Church of Christ the night following the film and discussion; and a film and discussion at Keene Public Library in Keene New Hampshire with the community and volunteers active in refuge and asylum support.

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