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Public Art for Spatial Justice-supported Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway Conservancy - Going to Ground: ToriTori leads music and storytime for kids at the opening celebration and picnic | photo courtesy of the conservancy
NEFA invests in artists and communities and fosters equitable access to the arts, enriching the cultural landscape in New England and the nation.
NEFA offers grants to artists and organizations to support the creation and presentation of work. These are the grants with upcoming deadlines.
CreativeGround spotlights the creative people and places at work in New England: cultural nonprofits like libraries and theaters, creative businesses like recording studios and design agencies, and artists of all disciplines such as performing arts, visual arts, and crafts.
Center Stage is among the most successful programs to bring contemporary international performing artists into direct contact with people across a wide range of U.S. communities, and to share these experiences globally.
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